
  • How to Find Your Ideal Writing Group

    How to Find Your Ideal Writing Group

    It was not so long ago that I sang the praises here of the writing group that helped me to complete a five-year project. Sadly, that group has since dissolved due to life changes, health issues, relocation, and just the general growth and development of its members. Essentially, we all flew the nest. I find…

  • Can You Find Success by Mixing Traditional and Self-Publishing?

    Can You Find Success by Mixing Traditional and Self-Publishing?

    Do you have a dream of a New York book deal, complete with a fat advance, a publicity department pushing your work out to readers and the media, and stacks of your soon-to-be bestseller near the register at your local bookstore? If you do, I bet that you’ve heard the advice, “Don’t quit your day…

  • A Writer’s Biggest Fear – and How to Overcome It

    A Writer’s Biggest Fear – and How to Overcome It

    I recently read the results of a web poll of writers who were asked to divulge their biggest fear about being a writer, and I discovered that the results were not at all surprising. Apparently artists as a whole (yes, writers included) who know their medium from the standpoints of both creator and consumer develop tastes and preferences…

  • 3 Things That Readers Taught Me About Writing

    3 Things That Readers Taught Me About Writing

    As cliche as it may be, I am a professional writer who also works part-time in a bookstore. Why? First, because I love books, but also because it was a facet of the publishing world that I’d not experienced first-hand. I’ve written, edited, done book layout and cover design, worked in acquisitions, and even tried…

  • How to Balance Private Life and Book Life – Before It’s Too Late

    How to Balance Private Life and Book Life – Before It’s Too Late

    Here’s a stereotype for you: writers, as a species, tend to be introverts. We can interact just fine via email (the written word being our friend, of course) and are able to manage the occasional phone call. Face-to-face meetings and public appearances, however, cause sweaty palms and sleepless nights. Why is it then that we create…

  • Building Your Platform: Steps That Every Aspiring Author Should be Taking Right Now

    Building Your Platform: Steps That Every Aspiring Author Should be Taking Right Now

    If you’ve considered a career in writing or perhaps you want only to author a single book, then chances are good that you’ve heard the word platform tossed around. It seems to be all the buzz in writing groups, at conferences, and in almost every book of tips and advice for writers–and for good reason. Your platform…

  • How a Little Procrastination Can Help Your Creativity

    How a Little Procrastination Can Help Your Creativity

    I’m one of those people who can get an amazing amount done when I’m trying not to do something. Maybe you are, too. If not, you’re probably wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Here, let me explain… When I have a deadline for a project that I’m anxious about or that just isn’t lighting my creative…